Saturday 23 October 2010


We stand around in our trunks
Uncomfortable at baring our bodies
Bellys hanging over
Fat arses squeezing into lycra

Nervously we start to chat
About the times when we all swam like dolphins
Please don’t make us prove it

Eventually we get cold
Milling about by the glaring poolside
Goosebumps start appearing
Our scrotums the size of walnuts

Splash!  He dives.  Big torpedo.
Down the steps gently for some of the others
Front crawl, breast stroke, back stroke
All different yet we’re all swimming

Friday 22 October 2010

On the Psychological State of Dogs

I watched a cat
Returning home
It ignored me and
Slid through the flap
Specially built,
Ruined a door
Just for him

I met a guy
Walking a dog
It sniffed me and
Licked at my hand
Craving my love
Pulled on his lead.
Dogs are needy.

Thursday 21 October 2010

Scotland's Heatwave

This has just been published in an anthology called "A Book of Dreams"  will update details as and when I get them.  Enjoy.

Dishevelled by the sheer numbers
Faces shining from the heat
Of all the other shining faces
We multiply the temperature
With gasped hellos

All gulping at the thick humid
Vapours, guzzling down a drink
Or maybe escape with a smoker
We look for a solution
To cool outside

Disappointed by the fiery
Clouds retaining clammy
Low pressure systems broiling
We wither under heavy skies
And cannot sleep

Wednesday 20 October 2010


Run out of reasons
Looking for a motive
For anything
For everything
Every ‘WHY’ shouts back
Another giant question mark
And in creeps
Everything must go
Either that
Or I will
The world’s not big enough
For me
And my unanswered questions.

Monday 18 October 2010

Indulgent One

In an old space
altered beyond recognition
as two floors, three at a push
become one
and a huge shark is replaced
by a great white plaster wall
and a DJ, one-eared at his phones
sways where once
a crocodile swam
with a chipped face
as it bore us on its back
inexplicably halved
by an old oil drum.
Yet I recall the emptiness
and the atmosphere
before the revellers come
sitting like a regular
waiting for the rest.
The newly fat
and recently bald
or greying
reminds us
that it wasn’t yesterday.

Tuesday 17 August 2010

Herds and Flocks

The activity around me
The works
The offices
The traffic
Feels like death
A slow plod
Of monotony
Leading to the grave
For years I’ve sat
Here in this garden
The voices change
The fashions move
But it’s all the same
Money troubles
The same
The same
The same
Sirens hoot
Every day
Heart attack
Always those
Seagulls whirl
Sparrows call
In them I see
Life, freedom
But it’s really
Just animal

Tuesday 27 July 2010


We’ve all been angry enough
to kill someone
red mist and adrenalin
but somehow we don’t.
We shout, we scream
we smash the furniture
but the brakes kick in
and breathlessly
we leave it
sleep on it
and think again
yet some don’t
and we call them monsters
and deny that we’ve ever known
the touch of fury.

Tuesday 13 July 2010

Composition No 2

Here's an old favourite:

Tensing, straining, holding muscles
Contort stance and visage
Breaks for readjustment
Turtle’s head touching cloth

Sitting, pensive, relief from strain
Stomach empty yet full
Adjusted and cleansed
But still the remnants

Are leaving on parachutes
Of fairy’s wing
Dented and creased re-cycled

The silvering handle makes
The orifice sing
And all is gone
Round the bend

Wednesday 7 July 2010

Mank Boliday Honday

Sunny skies said Michael
and everyone smiled
and rummaged in the closet
for the lost sandals
and the hat of straw
we’d never ever wear.

Blue and bright our Monday
with everyone off work
all barbecues and picnics
by the green lakeside
that we never see
until this time of year

Hot and sweaty bedtime
with everyone awake
the duvet on the carpet
face stuck to the pillows
remains of the day
still buzzing in our minds

Friday 25 June 2010

The Death of the Raconteur

When did it all change?
and why wasn’t I warned
that opinions are fleeting
so swiftly out-moded
by the clamouring hordes
with nothing to say
broadcasting it twice daily
then bragging about hits and likes.

The vandal takes his graffiti
off the cement and bricks
and with no flare or art
scrawls on a thousand screens
and defiles a million eyes.

So unprepared;
some lament the losses
as others count the gains
made in targeted advertising
that everyone ignores
till the subconscious pipes up
eventually with uncalled for suggestions

The joker’s delivery
his wit and repartee
replaced by handing on a handset
and watching for the smile and nod.

And this progress
is somehow better than unbridled laughter?
So the raconteur dies
or becomes an oddball rarity
occasionally feasting on human contact
thriving with emotion’s ebb and flow
till he ends up a random guy
reduced to a tweet.

Wednesday 14 April 2010

Foiled Again

I was so disappointed

My plans, my schemes

Are ruined

I saw a commercial

For a spray-on cream

That got rid of hair

On lady’s legs, yes

But I began to wonder

Could I use that stuff

On an unsuspecting acquaintance

Instant baldness

How we would laugh

But I just found out

From those that know

(a lady no less)

that it wouldn’t work


More tomorrow...

Saturday 10 April 2010


There is a street

that’s never silent.

Doorbells chime

and cats meow.

Postmen whistle,

lorries rumble,

TVs clamour.

The only time

You can’t hear its nonsense

is when you shut the window

and go to sleep.

More tomorrow...

Wednesday 24 March 2010


The two of them walked by like they owned the place. No’ lookin’ at anybody; flauntin’ it; flickin’ the hair like a shampoo advert. And I felt like standin’ up and shoutin’: “See them? Aye them two that we’re no’ good enough fur! That’s them just oot the toilet. Aye. Knickers doon like everybody else. They’re the same as the rest ay us! Don’t let them shove ye aboot! Manipulatin’ bastarts.” Eyes narrowed I’d sit doon while everybody cheered and applauded. And them two? They’d be askin’ fur ma number later on. Oh aye. Cut through the performance and they’re hingin’ on yer every word.

More tomorrow...

Friday 19 March 2010


Howling, tearing wind

Snatches, pulls, uproots

Stinging, blinding rain

Batters, beats, so cold

Heaving, restless sea

Thunders, roars and booms

Threatening, heavy clouds

Darken, dim, smother

Tiny, fragile boat

Blasted creaks and groans

Soaking, hammered wood

Staggers, floods yet floats

Peaceful, tranquil man

Sleeping in the barque

Cares not for the storm

Silent, trusts and waits

More tomorrow...

Sunday 21 February 2010

A Rant inspired by Ms C Houghton

My friend asked me recently if I enjoyed someone's preaching. A perfectly simple question to which my simple answer would be: "yes".
However, it actually started me thinking about what preaching is all about and whether or not we're supposed to enjoy it at all. In all honesty the question might be better framed: "How did you find X's preaching?" then I could employ all manner of adjectives to it; passionate, inspirational, informed, intelligent, witty, patronising, derivative, wishy-washy, authoritative... and so the list goes on. But is my opinion of it all that important? Do preacher's measure the success of a sermon by whether or not people enjoyed it? By the amount of amens and smiling faces. Personally, I don't listen to sermons for their entertainment value but I recognise that they can and do entertain. Sermons are at worst an affirming message that helps one keep that stiff upper lip and at best an attempt to convey someone's excitement about God to some eager listeners. But here's the difference. I am racking my brain to remember even one of the three points our mutual friend made in the preach I was asked about, what I do remember is the passion, the honesty and the heartfelt concern of the guy who preached it and these qualities continue to pour out of him whether he's preaching or not. Did I enjoy it? I don't even remember but I really really like the guy who delivered it and he's welcome to get involved in my life. I like to read C.S. Lewis but C.S. Lewis never gave me a hug when I felt unhuggable.
So my final answer? Did I enjoy the preaching? Sure, but I'm enjoying getting to know the guy behind it a lot more.

Mair the moarra...

Friday 19 February 2010


The streets swarmed with people cocooned in metal starting and stopping at will, someone’s will anyway, all staring ahead at the car in front or the road and the next hazard on and on till journey’s end when the staring doesn’t stop but it’s now at that box that brought us all up and like a crazed mother can’t bear to see us go so panders to our baser instincts so we’ll give it our money (that’s what it eats, garnished with time) And the staring continues till something happens but the box knows nothing ever does and even the things that do happen end up with us back asking the box to show us what happened over and over again from all different angles that make everything ok because now we know what happened which is all we wanted; to see it and to see that other people are helping so we don’t have to.

More tomorrow...

Thursday 18 February 2010

It was funny at first...

I was at the pub quiz the other week. One of the questions was: "What type of bird is roadrunner from the roadrunner cartoons?" Turns out he's a cuckoo. A lot of people had written down that he's an ostrich. That made me snort with laughter. A tiny ostrich on the wrong continent? And it makes me chuckle a bit still. An ostrich? Come on.
However, I began to realise that the very people who think that roadrunner is an ostrich will be sitting on juries, teaching our children, investing our money, electing MPs. Aye, it's not so funny when you suddenly realise that people are stupid and they're running the world! They police our streets, prosecute criminals, drive buses and deliver our mail! They even write blogs and some of them read them. We're at the mercy of idiots and fools! AAAAAHHHHHHH!

More tomorrow...

Monday 8 February 2010


Kipling keeps it real. 

IF you can keep your head when all about you 
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you,
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
But make allowance for their doubting too;
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
Or being lied about, don't deal in lies,
Or being hated, don't give way to hating,
And yet don't look too good, nor talk too wise:

If you can dream - and not make dreams your master;
If you can think - and not make thoughts your aim;
If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster
And treat those two impostors just the same;
If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken
Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,
Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken,
And stoop and build 'em up with worn-out tools:

If you can make one heap of all your winnings 
And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss,
And lose, and start again at your beginnings
And never breathe a word about your loss;
If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew
To serve your turn long after they are gone,
And so hold on when there is nothing in you
Except the Will which says to them: 'Hold on!'

If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
' Or walk with Kings - nor lose the common touch,
if neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you,
If all men count with you, but none too much;
If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds' worth of distance run,
Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it,
And - which is more - you'll be a Man, my son!

Tuesday 2 February 2010


Don't look down? Whatever mate. I love to look down at the herding hoi polloi and their lack of choice. See them bleat and follow. See me jealous, aloof by choice yet *sigh* how comfortable you all look.

More tomorrow...

Monday 1 February 2010

The Young Team

Smash! Crack!

Bom Bom Bom!

With nicknames

I heard twenty years ago

Let’s go!

Same chat

Same names

Same fists

Same policemen and screws

Shake their heads as they

Remember turning the key

On his father

More tomorrow...

Thursday 28 January 2010

Haitin Divorce (an unadulterated rant)

Haiti has had an earthquake. Aye, Haiti where the national religion is voodoo and there are actually people who are bona fide registered as "zombies". (I shit you not) Let's send them money coz when yer shanty town shack has fell doon and you've no insurance and the government have a cabinet minister to protect people from the "heebie jeebies" that's a good investment. Aye, I'm John Travolta and I drove a plane here full of food for people who are sustainance farmers, to whom a sack of rice is 3 years worth of work and now I'm appalled at them fighting over it like savages! Here's whit tae dae. Haiti is next door to the Dominican Republic. All inclusive holiday? Wedding on a Carribean beach? Trade it in for a months rubble piling in nearby Haiti. Think aboot it. Los Angeles could be earthquaked any day now. Will the good folk of Haiti fly in to John Travolta's hoose wi a sackfull of corn? Naw. He's got insurance. He's got the American government to sort oot his natural disaster. If they fight it's coz they're starving. We're greedy: no them. Look in yer fridge. You could feed a couple of families and no be out of pocket. Forget money, it's just a bit of paper. Whit use is a precious stone at a time like this? Gold bars? Surplus metal. Love someone, in Haiti or next door. That's what we're all hungry for. (Rant over)

More tomorrow...

Wednesday 27 January 2010

Extract 2

A shambled bus, empty like a forlorn fresh dug grave hissed past with hydraulics and its infernal consumption engine dusted behind it, heading to some closed up for the night depot with cold goodbyes and a signature for security and a shuffle home to grey sheets in an unmade bed. Watching it and its green glow insides all desolate made me turn my collar as I went on to where it had been before there was nothing left but sleep and a mechanical sigh.

More tomorrow...

Wednesday 20 January 2010

Free writing from quotes

"One of my favorite philosophical tenets is that people will agree with you only if they already agree with you. You do not change people's minds." Frank Zappa

Inside us all is a 'real me'. This is the things that makes you upset with regret or that makes you blush when you make an arse of yourself. It knows you so well and cringes when you over perform or do something out of character. You should get to know this 'real me' and ask it for some advice. It's very very wise and is the best person on earth to take care of you. Sometimes you have to teach it to love the rest of you. But it's usually right. Trust it. Throw it a party. It will probably clean up the next day while the rest of you is asleep.

More tomorrow...

Tuesday 19 January 2010


Once viewed as an expensive delicacy only to be savoured on special occasions, crab is enjoying a resurgance in popularity thanks to its new status as a superfood.

According to a report by analysts TNS, sales of all types of crab have risen by almost 50%in the past year in the UK.

Stewart Crighton, general manager of the Orkney Fishermen’s Society said: “Undoubtedly crab sales have taken off. Part of the reason is that crab is now being eaten in a lot of different ways. It is being offered as an ingredient and with other seafood such as langoustine and mussels.”

Health conscious customers are recognising that crab meat is low in fat, high in minerals and a good source of iron, potassium, selenium and omega 3.

The shellfish has had exposure from celebrity chefs having appeared on Gordon Ramsay’s the F Word and Rick Stein has included it in his recipe books.

Environmentally conscious consumers opt for crab as a sustainable fish and a viable alternative to consuming breeds of fish from dwindling stocks.

Retailers are meeting the demand for the shellfish with Marks & Spencer introducing Snow Crab Legs priced at £6.99 for 100 grams.

Pisces Fishmongers in Hamilton report that more customers are ordering crab meat due to its exposure on television programmes and magazines.

Brigitte Read from the Sea Fish Industry Authority says: “Crab is now far more available. Previously, you could only get dressed crab or whole crab but now you can get it in lots of different ways that are easier for customers to eat.”


1.5 million tonnes of crab meat is consumed world wide every year.

There has been a 20% increase in the UK catch in the last year.

One third of that catch (around 7000 tonnes) comes from the West coast of Scotland.

Brown crab is the most common edible crab caught in Scotland.

More tomorrow...

Monday 18 January 2010

Psalm 24

In the dim, candle lit sanctuary priests glide noiselessly across polished floors. The air was heavy with a reverent silence broken only by the murmur of votaries and pilgrims. At the entrance, water trickled into golden bowls where the faithful washed their hands, making themselves pure.

They were here to see the king, to seek his justice and to align themselves with this mighty one. They were cleansed, shining with oil, smelling of precious ointments, dressed in the finest festal robes, perfect, ready to meet the king.

Suddenly, the silence was broken: “Doors! Open the doors!” The doorkeepers were confused: “What? Who for?” “Doors! Open up! The king returns from battle!” The doors were hastily pushed open as one doorkeeper asked another: “Who’s coming?” “Dunno. Something about a king?”

Still the order was ringing: “Doors! Open the doors!”

In strode a giant of a man, the conquering king, his great chest heaving from the exertion of warfare. His helmet fell with a crash on the spotless floor and sweat dripped from his brow, thick with grime and gore. His hands were drenched in the blood of his enemies.

The pilgrims were stunned as he turned to them, and, with a smile, holding out his arms said: “Welcome to my temple.”

More tomorrow...

Tuesday 12 January 2010

Hero Worship

Laying traps with carpets is the reality we fable-ize as sweeping them under there like a spider in a glass yeah great it’s no longer scuttling, crashing in its offensive arachnid manner but now you fear the glass and the little mind’s eye circle of influence around it until someone sees it for what it is, a puny tiny thing terrified that needs freeing, needs dealt with in a permanent way, no longer a hash-bash one up one down lean to ramshackle temporary elastoplast job that creates further issues without addressing the main deal.

More tomorrow...

Sunday 10 January 2010

Pleasant Distraction

The drone of a bumble bee

Joining birdsong’s chatter

Making me look up

From the sunsoaked page

The ink flowing so slowly

Undisciplined thoughts

Drifting from this place

To join with a girl

Who lives in another town

Who cannot be here

Making me wistful

Stealing half my mind

My eyes close, her face appears

I have to give in

Smiling I put down

The pen for a while

More Tomorrow...

Wednesday 6 January 2010


Thoughts weary me

Worry me

Cause chemicals

To course


Setting me on edge

Of my teeth

Of razor

Slits serrations

Of sin


Making me all tight

Like a drum

As skin

Set crawling

And creeping


At my mind

The gap please

Your head

And its whilrlwind

Of whips


Making you cry

Like a baby


And loose the thoughts

Of war

Against yourself

More tomorrow...