Saturday, 23 October 2010


We stand around in our trunks
Uncomfortable at baring our bodies
Bellys hanging over
Fat arses squeezing into lycra

Nervously we start to chat
About the times when we all swam like dolphins
Please don’t make us prove it

Eventually we get cold
Milling about by the glaring poolside
Goosebumps start appearing
Our scrotums the size of walnuts

Splash!  He dives.  Big torpedo.
Down the steps gently for some of the others
Front crawl, breast stroke, back stroke
All different yet we’re all swimming

Friday, 22 October 2010

On the Psychological State of Dogs

I watched a cat
Returning home
It ignored me and
Slid through the flap
Specially built,
Ruined a door
Just for him

I met a guy
Walking a dog
It sniffed me and
Licked at my hand
Craving my love
Pulled on his lead.
Dogs are needy.

Thursday, 21 October 2010

Scotland's Heatwave

This has just been published in an anthology called "A Book of Dreams"  will update details as and when I get them.  Enjoy.

Dishevelled by the sheer numbers
Faces shining from the heat
Of all the other shining faces
We multiply the temperature
With gasped hellos

All gulping at the thick humid
Vapours, guzzling down a drink
Or maybe escape with a smoker
We look for a solution
To cool outside

Disappointed by the fiery
Clouds retaining clammy
Low pressure systems broiling
We wither under heavy skies
And cannot sleep

Wednesday, 20 October 2010


Run out of reasons
Looking for a motive
For anything
For everything
Every ‘WHY’ shouts back
Another giant question mark
And in creeps
Everything must go
Either that
Or I will
The world’s not big enough
For me
And my unanswered questions.

Monday, 18 October 2010

Indulgent One

In an old space
altered beyond recognition
as two floors, three at a push
become one
and a huge shark is replaced
by a great white plaster wall
and a DJ, one-eared at his phones
sways where once
a crocodile swam
with a chipped face
as it bore us on its back
inexplicably halved
by an old oil drum.
Yet I recall the emptiness
and the atmosphere
before the revellers come
sitting like a regular
waiting for the rest.
The newly fat
and recently bald
or greying
reminds us
that it wasn’t yesterday.